


亚游集团官方网站欢迎牧师, 教会员工, and lay leaders of all denominations to attend our 掌握教会财务会议 on June 14.

会议将涵盖从财务控制到神职人员薪酬等一系列主题. 所有注册都包含午餐,材料和停车. 与教会有关联的人也可以获得50%的奖学金.




伊莉斯巴雷特Elise Erickson Barrett,主讲嘉宾

Elise Erikson Barrett is the Coordination Program Manager for the National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders (www.ecfpl.org). 她曾是联合卫理公会的牧师, 现在与罗马天主教会完全融合, 他是一位作家,他的书, 失去了什么:基督徒流产之旅, 获得《亚游集团官方网站》杂志属灵生活类“最佳书籍”奖. Elise拥有汉诺威学院(经济学学士)和杜克神学院(硕士)学位。.



伊莱恩·萨默维尔 is considered a leading national tax professional in nonprofit tax issues. Elaine从事公共会计工作超过30年, concentrating her clientele in the area of nonprofit organizations both religious as well as other types of organizations. Her experience with nonprofit organizations and churches is unique in that she has had the opportunity to assist in the representation of four large case IRS exams involving organizations with annual budgets more than $100 million, 除了国税局对小型非营利组织的其他检查之外. This IRS examination experience includes assisting in the representation of several church examinations.

伊莱恩目前致力于处理国税局的各种问题, including personal taxation issues for individuals and federal and state compliance issues for nonprofit organizations and churches. 伊莲经常帮助组织在美国国税局获得免税地位. Over the years, Elaine has successfully filed more than 100 exemption applications for organizations. She is regularly sought out by other CPA’s and law firms to provide tax services in connection with litigation or regulatory proceedings, 是否参与过大型IRS合规审查, 并针对客户的特殊情况研究税务问题. 除了, she performs several IRS compliance reviews each year for her clients to assist them in staying in compliance with both federal and state regulations. Her firm currently prepares more than one hundred fifty Forms 990 or 990-EZ for nonprofit organizations.
除了在法规遵从方面与非营利组织合作之外, 伊莱恩热衷于培训那些为非营利组织工作的人. 她是教会网络的常客, 包括教授其认证教会商业管理课程的一部分, 休斯顿教堂合作社, 德州注册会计师协会, 谢尔比系统年会, 以及德州注册会计师协会. Elaine is an instructor for the AICPA’s 8 hour CPE courses on the preparation of the Form 990. She is a contributing author to PPC’s Nonprofit Tax and Governance Guide as well as contributing editor for various publications provided by Christianity Today. In 2011, she was inducted into The Church Network’s Outstanding Service Providers’ Hall of Fame.

Elaine是美国注册会计师协会的成员, 德州注册会计师协会和教会网络.

迈克尔棉絮Michael E. 棉絮,注册会计师

迈克·巴茨(Mike 棉絮)是BMWL的管理合伙人. Mike has more than 30 years of experience serving nonprofit organizations in a variety of ways. 他为非营利组织提供董事会管理方面的建议, 财务报告, 税务合规及策略, 风险管理, 公司结构, 国际活动, 以及相关话题. 迈克积极参与联邦和州一级的非营利性立法事务. He has served on and chaired the boards of nonprofit organizations, both nationally and locally. Mike目前担任ECFA董事会主席, a national organization that accredits religious nonprofit organizations in the areas of board governance and financial integrity. He served as chairman of the Commission on Accountability and Policy for Religious Organizations, 一个由ECFA应时任美国贸易委员会主席的要求召集的全国委员会.S. 参议院财政委员会, 向国会提供政策建议, 财政部, 美国国税局, and the nonprofit sector related to federal tax policy affecting religious and other nonprofit organizations. In 2013, Mike was inducted into the National Association of Church Business Administration Hall of Fame for his significant contributions to the church community. 迈克是合著者, 以及律师和注册会计师理查德·哈马尔, 《亚游集团官方网站》一书的封面, a “go-to” reference that provides practical guidance for church and nonprofit financial administration. 最近, 迈克也是这本书的作者, Nonprofit 金融监管 – The Concise and Complete Guide for Boards and Finance Committees. 迈克也是这本书的作者, 董事会成员导向-非营利组织董事会服务简明完整指南, and he continues to create and provide other practical resources to serve the nonprofit community. 迈克以优异的成绩毕业于斯泰森大学,主修会计学. He received state and national recognition for scoring the highest in the state on the Florida CPA examination. 他也是特许全球管理会计师. Mike领导我们在奥兰多的全国总部和达拉斯的办事处.

罗伯·霍尔罗伯·霍尔, National Covenant Properties房地产服务副总裁

Rob brings more than 20 years of experience to his role as a vice president of real estate services for National Covenant Properties (“NCP”), 福音圣约教会(ECC)宗派的借贷机构. 在他的角色中, Rob helps coach churches through the ins and outs of finding the right building for their ministry and getting the financing need to purchase or renovate the space. 在加入NCP之前, Rob曾担任Covenant Development Corporation的总裁, 担任环保投诉委员会技术及法律服务副总监, 也是仁人家园的中西部地区主任. Rob holds a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Psychology from North Park University and graduated with a Juris Doctor from DePaul University-College of Law.


Dr. 安·希克斯 teaches a challenging subject in the 商学院 and 非营利组织管理: Accounting. 但博士. 希克斯这样做是为了帮助学生从复杂的信息中理解, 据一位应届毕业生说. 描述博士. Hicks as “a great teacher,” Danielle Paventi C’11 is grateful for her courses and care in teaching. “会计有很多困难的概念,”丹妮尔·帕文蒂(Danielle Paventi)说. 博士”,. 希克斯解释得很好. 我很幸运能从这样一位知识渊博、有教学天赋的人那里学到东西.在加入北公园学院之前. Hicks spent nearly 20 years in senior-level accounting and finance positions in real estate and education. 这样的经历, combined with her passion for teaching and the relationships she is able to build with students, 帮助她沟通会计对未来职业的可能性. Dr. 希克斯在威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得博士学位, 休士顿大学清湖分校会计学硕士, 以及堪萨斯大学的金融学士学位.

蒂姆·奥布莱恩Timothy O’Brien, Program Director, 教会领袖学院 at North Park University & 会议主持人

蒂姆担任教会领导学院的项目总监. 他有很长的从业经验(财务总监), 首席财务官, 顾问), 非营利组织管理教授. 他担任圣. 路加在埃文斯顿的圣公会教堂, 他曾为许多非营利组织和信仰组织提供咨询服务. 蒂姆是《亚游集团官方网站》一书的合著者, 第三版将于2018年秋季由John Wily出版 & Co. and has written numerous articles on nonprofit management and development of religious institutes and has served as an international presenter and workshop leader. Tim在联合学院和大学获得组织行为学博士学位, 获得管理学硕士学位. 肯尼迪大学.


9:00–10:00 a.m. 主题演讲 伊莉斯巴雷特
10:15–11:15 a.m. 金融监管 迈克尔棉絮
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 税 & 神职人员的薪酬 伊莱恩·萨默维尔
1:15–2:15 p.m. 内部财务控制 安·希克斯
2:30–3:30 p.m. 设施管理 罗伯·霍尔