Aerial view of North Park University campus with 芝加哥 skyline.

关于北园 University



As a Christian institution of higher education, North Park is committed to providing a living, 学习 and working environment characterized by mutual respect among students, 教师, 和工作人员. To effectuate this commitment, North Park University’s policies set clear prohibit any form of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct is an umbrella term and encompasses discrimination based on sex. Sexual misconduct includes 性骚扰, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, or stalking and retaliation.

第九条 Sexual Harassment & 不正当的性行为 Policy applies to all members of 的 campus community: students, 教师, staff, and visitors. 此策略概述了禁止的行为、报告选项和可用的解决流程.

的 information below is intended to help you answer several questions, and point you to resources you may need regarding sexual misconduct and related issues:

Report 不正当的性行为


1972年的《亚游集团官方网站》第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止接受联邦资金的实体进行性别歧视, including educational institutions. 的 law is enforced by 的 U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights. 的 Department of Education has promulgated regulations to implement 第九条. 的 regulations appear at 34 C.F.R. 部分106.

第九条及其实施条例规定,“在美国,任何人不得因性别而被排除在参与教育活动之外。, be denied 的 benefits of, 或者在接受联邦财政援助的任何教育项目或活动中受到歧视.“项目或活动”的定义包括接受联邦资金的教育机构的所有运作.

North Park’s policy aligns with our Christian principles and federal and state laws, including 第九条 of 的 Education Amendments Act of 1972.

Who is responsible for implementing 的 policy?

All University administrators are responsible for ensuring that policies are followed, just as all members of 的 North Park community are expected to adhere to 的 policies.

Coordination of 的se efforts and responsibility for implementation of, and compliance oversight for, 的 第九条 Sexual Harassment & 不正当的性行为 Policy, including prompt and equitable resolution of any complaints, is managed by 的 University’s 第九条 Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators.

Individuals who wish to report sexual misconduct, 性骚扰, domestic or 约会暴力, or stalking can do so by phone, 在人, 或电邮至 A member of 的 第九条 Team will respond promptly during business hours.

的 第九条 Team encourages all individuals to learn more about 的ir rights, reporting options, and resources and support here.

第九条 Coordinator
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students
Student Engagement
(773) 244-5664
Room 151, Center for Student Engagement, first floor, Johnson Center

Deputy 第九条 Coordinator
Director of 神学院 Student Life and Formation
Room 108, first floor, Nyvall Hall
(773) 244-6219

Deputy 第九条 Coordinator
Room 151, Center for Student Engagement, first floor, Johnson Center
Direct: (650) 383-4753 ext. 145

Deputy 第九条 Coordinator
Bisrat Kidane
头部跟踪 & Field Coach and Assistant Cross Country Coach
(773) 244-5678

North Park University
3225 W. 福斯特大街.

Training materials can be accessed here.


第九条协调员或其副手被指定协调大学的应对措施直至结束, prevent and remedy 的 effects of sexual misconduct. 他们在履行大学提供积极和丰富生活的承诺方面发挥着不可或缺的作用, 学习, and working environment for all community members.

Please note that 的 第九条 Coordinator and Deputies are not confidential. 的y are private resources who will keep any information as private as possible, 只有在需要知道的基础上分享,才能对报告或投诉做出回应,并结束不当行为.

Confidential Advisors (No Duty to Report)

的 University has designated employees to serve as confidential advisors, meaning 的y are not required to report disclosures to 的 第九条 Coordinator. Advisors can explain how to report to 的 University, 的 police or both. 的y can explain 的 effects of reporting; how to obtain resources and support on and off campus; supportive measures, 保护订单, 相貌平平订单, 并根据您的要求与校园当局联系,他们可以确保措施和住宿. You can find a list of advisors below:

Counseling Support Services, 3317 W. 福斯特大街., 773-244-4897

卫生服务, 3317 W. 福斯特大街, 773-244-4897



Responsible Employees (Must Report)

University administrators (vice presidents, 院长, 董事), 教师, 主管教练, resident directors, and resident assistants, along with staff members of 校园安全 and Security and 的 Office of 人力资源, are designated as “Responsible Employees.这意味着他们必须向第九条协调员报告潜在的政策违规行为. 的y will keep any information obtained as private as possible, only sharing information on a need-to-know basis.

What should I do if I witness or experience a potential violation?

如果大学社区的成员个人受到影响,他们应该联系第九条协调员或副协调员, 或者他们观察到, conduct that may be in violation of 的 Policy, including any conduct believed to constitute sexual violence, 剥削, misconduct or harassment; o的r non-consensual sexual act; discrimination or harassment on 的 basis of gender, 或因拒绝或投诉违反政策的行为而进行任何形式的报复. This includes acts of discrimination in employment, 入学, 项目, or activities and any act of physical violence (e.g., rape or o的r 性侵犯). (Click here for additional information on what to do in cases of sexual violence.) In 的 event of any form of violence or threatened violence, 校园安全 should also be informed:

Office of 校园安全

  • Emergency: (773) 244-5600
  • Director of Campus Security: (773) 244-5222

任何目睹或经历潜在违规行为的人也可以联系教育部民权办公室(“OCR”),询问有关第九条和其他适用于联邦资金接受者的平等机会法律的问题或提出投诉. 的 芝加哥 branch of OCR is located at:

CHICAGO IL 60661-4544
Telephone: (312) 730-1560
Fax: (312) 730-1576

What happens if I make a complaint?

视乎投诉的性质及考虑投诉人的喜好而定, 投诉通过非正式程序解决,其中可能包括调解和/或通过正式投诉程序进行调查和确定. Both processes are described in 的 Policy. Click here to see 的 complaint procedures.

Both informal and formal processes assure a fair and impartial resolution on a prompt basis. Informal processes are usually completed within a period of five to ten business days. 正式调查(正式投诉程序的第一步)通常在接获投诉后三十天内完成,结果会通知投诉人及被控方. 该程序第二部分所涉及的时间——在投诉得到证实后实施制裁——因制裁和被控人的身份而异. Sanctions that do not require a hearing (e.g., 为员工, (或者对学生和教师的处罚较轻)在调查结束后几天内征收. If a hearing must be convened (e.g., in 的 case of severe sanction against a student or 教师 member), 的 time period and procedure for determination is governed by 的 学生手册分别. Determinations are made based on 的 preponderance of 的 evidence. 其他补救措施将在调查结束后30天内实施.

If 的 complaint is substantiated, 对违规行为负责的人可能会采取纠正措施,包括纪律处分,直至驱逐/开除出北公园. 还可以采取额外的补救措施,以确保申诉人和北公园社区一般继续享受非歧视环境的充分好处. 补救措施可以在申诉程序结束时采取,也可以在临时基础上采取, 必要时.

Are complaints confidential?

All complaints are investigated on a need-to-know basis. 当投诉涉及敏感事项时,听证会也可在私下而非公开场合举行,以尽可能保持最大程度的机密性. 然而, 通常, 如果不向至少被指控违反《亚游集团官方网站》的个人披露投诉,就不能建立个人问责制  第九条 & 不正当的性行为 Policy.

A complainant may request that 的 complaint be treated as confidential – i.e., not disclosed to 的 person alleged to have committed 的 violation. Since such requests may prevent full resolution of 的 complaint, 第九条协调员/副协调员将评估是否有可能在不危及整个社区的情况下履行请求. 适用的协调员将考虑North Park在不向投诉主体披露投诉人身份或具体指控细节的情况下解决投诉的能力.